Author: Webmaster

By Dr Neill Goosen Do you regard seaweeds as special? If not, you are part of a rapidly shrinking group of the global population. The reason for this is simple: 
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The Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University recently received confirmation that the new BEng degree in Data Engineering will be fully accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA) 
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Article by Asiphe Nombewu, Corporate Communication Two academics at the Faculty to Engineering were recipients of a Distinguished Teacher award. They are Dr Karel Kruger and Dr Robbie Pott. As one 
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“It is very apt to move this monument to our large building complex in the Faculty of Engineering’s 75th year of existence,” says the Dean, Prof Wikus van Niekerk. The tridentate 
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If you want to capture someone’s attention – display concrete flamingos! This strategy seems to have worked for two postgraduate students who exhibited their research in 3D printing of concrete 
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Five Maties engineering students have excelled by being amongst the Top 100 Most Employable Students in the GradStar Programme. Furthermore, Travis Defty, far right (BEng Mechatronic) was selected as one 
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Two first-year Matie engineering students have shown they can compete on the international stage and perform well. Ralph McDougall (E&E) and Tian Cilliers (Mechatronic) participated in the 31st International Olympiad in 
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Over the past 21 years, the Faculty of Engineering’s second female full professor, Prof Celeste Viljoen, made her mark as a student and an academic. She joined the academic corps of 
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Companies interested in recruiting Matie engineering students have an excellent platform at their disposal. This platform allows engineering students to find out more about career possibilities in the workplace. “The 
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“The Department of Process Engineering has its roots in a rather momentous and extraordinary year, 1969. In the same year, a monstrous Saturn V rocket gulped a combined volume of 
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