The Faculty of Engineering, Stellenbosch University, is indeed extremely proud of the impressive list of National Research Foundation rating outcomes of our academics who submitted their application this year in February. Fourteen of them received their ratings this week while the outcomes of three more are still outstanding.
The ratings per department are:
Civil Engineering
Prof JA Wium C3
Prof JA du Plessis C2
Dr A Oyegbile C3
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Dr TR Niesler B3
Prof MJ Booysen C2
Prof CJ Fourie B1
Prof HDuT Mouton B2
Dr OO Ogundile Y2
Prof MM Botha C1
Industrial Engineering
Prof JH van Vuuren B2
Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering
Prof A Bekker C2
Dr JE Hoffmann C3
Process Engineering
Prof G Akdogan C2
Dr NJ Goosen Y2
We are especially proud of those who received a B-rating and trust that the next A-rating of the Faculty is not too far into the future.
Prof Wikus van Niekerk, Dean of Engineering, expressed his sincere appreciation for the consistent performance of these colleagues as well as their efforts to prepare the applications. He added: “One of the advantages of this process is that each researcher needs to develop a vision and plan for their research over the next five-year period. Now, remember the saying Plan the Work, Work the Plan. All the best for the next five years and we look forward to your continuing contributions.”