Recent NRF ratings for Faculty of Engineering academics

Recent NRF ratings for Faculty of Engineering academics

We are thrilled to announce the recent National Research Foundation (NRF) ratings for several academic staff members of the Faculty of Engineering at Stellenbosch University. These ratings reflect the exceptional quality and impact of their research contributions in their respective fields.

NRF ratings are allocated based on a researcher’s recent research outputs and impact, as international peer reviewers perceive. The ratings are awarded within the following categories:

  • Category A: Leading international researchers
  • Category B: Internationally acclaimed researchers
  • Category C: Established researchers
  • Category P: Prestigious awards
  • Category Y: Promising young researchers (40 years and younger)

Below is a list of the faculty’s latest NRF-rated researchers with the rating they currently hold:

Civil Engineering

Prof Celeste Viljoen – C1

Dr Talia Da Silva Burke  – Y2

Chemical Engineering

Prof Christie Dorfling  – C2

Dr Jamie Cripwell – Y1

The Centre for Renewable and Sustainable Energy Studies 

Prof Cristina Trois  – C1

We congratulate our rated academic staff members and look forward to their continued success in advancing engineering knowledge and solutions.